11-20 of 101 results
Strengthening the sustainability of berry production (RB22001)
This project is generating comprehensive data about the environmental impacts of raspberry and blackberry production in Australia using life cycle assessment (LCA) methods.
13 December 2023
Demonstrating the benefits of increasing available green infrastructure in residential homes (GC21000)
This project will demonstrate and quantify the human and environmental benefits of integrating blue and green infrastructure into residential builds by constructing a ‘Future Home’ at the Olivine by Mirvac display village.
23 August 2023
Nursery industry environmental and technical research and extension 2008 to 2009 (NY08002)
This project provided a coordinated response to key environmental and technical issues that impact the sustainability of the Australian nursery industry.
5 May 2023
Industry level lifecycle analysis updated to better understand eco-credentials and minimise risks (MU22005)
This investment is developing a tool for mushroom growers to compare their environmental performance against industry-average benchmarks.
9 February 2023
Nursery sustainability – undertaking a lifecycle assessment (NY22001)
This investment is developing a benchmarking tool for nursery growers to compare their environmental performance against industry-average benchmarks.
9 February 2023
The EnviroVeg Program 2017-2022 (VG16063) (VG16063a)
The EnviroVeg Program is the vegetable industry’s environmental best management practice (BMP) program.
23 March 2022
Factsheet - Avocado Smart Farm
This factsheet explores ways in which new environmentally friendly on-farm practices and technologies can be used on farm
10 March 2022
Factsheet - Smart Production Nursery
This factsheet explores ways in which new environmentally friendly on-farm practices and technologies can be used on farm
10 March 2022
Factsheet - Vegetable Smart Farm
This factsheet explores ways in which new environmentally friendly on-farm practices and technologies can be used on farm
10 March 2022
Factsheet - Banana Smart Farm
This factsheet explores ways in which new environmentally friendly on-farm practices and technologies can be used on farm
10 March 2022