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Fact sheet

Monitoring Carpophilus beetle – an update

This fact sheet shows how to monitor Carpophilus beetle as part of integrated pest management in almonds

21 June 2019

Fact sheet

Impact of pesticides and fungicides on beneficial species fact sheet

This fact sheet shows how beneficial species are affected by pesticides and fungicides, to inform effective integrated pest management in almonds

21 June 2019


Attracting, retaining and developing a nursery industry workforce presentation

Presentation on issues facing nursery industry workforce and key strategies to build skills and retention of workers through improved career paths

20 June 2019


Nursery industry career path development strategy

Strategy for the nursery industry workforce to address problems including a shortage of skilled workers and defined career paths

20 June 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Review of nursery industry career pathways (NY17002)

This investment developed a five pillar strategy and action plan to improve career pathways in the nursery industry to boost worker skills and workforce retention

30 May 2019

Fact sheet

Macadamia lace bug fact sheet

Fact sheet on macadamia lace bug species found to cause damage in macadamia orchards

24 June 2019


Climate strengths and challenges for almond production reports

These reports detail the major climate strengths and challenges of different almond growing regions in Australia

19 June 2019

Data and insights

Almond phenology model spreadsheet

Spreadsheet of almond phenology model that growers can use to estimate time of flowering, fruit maturity and harvest in almonds

19 June 2019

Media Release

Defending Australia against the Number 1 crop killer

Media ReleaseImage: Glass winged sharpshooter WHAT HAS been dubbed the number one plant biosecurity threat to Australia is now under the spotlight through a new Hort Innovation funded project aimed at building Australia’s capability to quickly and

31 July 2019

Media Release

Trees support mental health in older adults

Media ReleaseADULTS WHO live in neighbourhoods with 30 per cent or more covered in tree canopy have 31 per cent lower odds of developing psychological distress according to new research findings. Funded by Hort Innovation under the Hort Frontiers

26 July 2019