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Completed project Final Research Report

Understanding and managing the impacts of climate change on Australian mushroom production (MU17008)

This investment is identifying climate-related risks to the Australian mushroom industry and how they can be managed now and into the future.

29 May 2020

Ongoing project

Sweetpotato industry minor use program (PW18002)

This project funds submitting renewals and applications for minor use permits for the sweetpotato industry.

6 May 2019


Papaya Fund April 2019

This Hort Innovation Papaya Fund marketing snapshot is from April 2019

3 May 2019


Custard Apple Fund March 2019

This Hort Innovation Custard Apple Fund marketing snapshot is from March 2019

3 May 2019

Completed project

Integrating genomics in to an applied mango breeding program (MG12015)

Technical research and development support was provided to the Queensland-based Australian Mango Breeding Program through this project, to speed new variety breeding.

14 February 2019

Completed project

Contribution to the 2nd International Macadamia Research Symposium (MC16700)

This investment allowed Australian macadamia industry attendance at the 2017 International Macadamia Research Symposium in Hawaii.

1 November 2018


Citrus Fund October 2018

This Hort Innovation Citrus Fund marketing snapshot is from October 2018

2 May 2019


Natural enemies of almond pests in Australia, and the potential for a biocontrol program

This report identifies beneficial organisms that show promise for use in an IPM approach to managing almond pests in the field and after harvest.

21 December 2018

Media Release

Inaugural National Banana Day to champion industry

Media ReleaseCaption: Australian Bananas ambassador and fitness guru Sam Wood will run a boot camp on April 24th as part of the celebratory events for National Banana Day. AUSTRALIANS love bananas. We eat them at breakfast, drink them in smoothies,

23 April 2019


Pineapple strategic agrichemical review report (2019)

This report provides an overview of current priorities and gaps regarding pest, disease and weed control in the pineapple industry.

15 April 2019