21-30 of 68 results
Management of banana pests and diseases in North Queensland (BA17005)
This investment assisted North Queensland banana growers in containing and managing significant pests and diseases, and helping in the early detection of exotic pests and diseases.
30 March 2022
Demonstrating the benefits of building capability and capacity in extension delivery in the vegetable industry (VG21002)
This investment is evaluating the impact of providing additional training and support to industry development officers (IDOs).
10 March 2022
Sweetpotato industry communications program (PW21000)
This project is responsible for communicating to Australian sweetpotato growers and other industry stakeholders
10 March 2022
Sweetpotato Emerging Leaders Program (PW21001)
This investment is delivering a leadership program to build capability within the sweetpotato industry.
16 February 2022
Advancing women’s leadership across the Australian horticultural sector (LP16000)
This investment provided women in the horticulture industry the opportunity to apply for leadership development courses
27 January 2022
VegNet 3.0 (VG21000)
This investment is tasked with keeping Australian vegetable growers informed about current R&D activities, results and resources
23 November 2021
Banana industry R&D coordination (BA17002)
This investment supported the role and activities of the Australian Banana Growers’ Council R&D Manager
15 October 2021
Leadership development program (MT18016)
This multi-industry leadership-building project was tasked with delivering development program for sweetpotato, raspberry and blackberry, and vegetable workers.
14 September 2021
Australian passionfruit industry communications program (PF16003)
This investment was responsible for keeping Australian passionfruit growers and other industry stakeholders informed about the latest R&D and marketing activities, and other key industry news.
13 September 2021
National Cherry Conference (CY19001)
This project delivered a national cherry conference in 2022 to foster networking opportunities across the industry.
19 December 2022