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Media Release

Hort Innovation AGM – Board member nominees announced

Hort Innovation AGM – Board member nominees announcedAT THE Hort Innovation Annual General Meeting on 27 November 2020, members of the company will elect three directors to the Hort Innovation Board. This follows changes to the way directors are

27 October 2020

Media Release

What's the buzz about? Celebrating Australian pollinator week

What's the buzz about? Celebrating Australian pollinator weekHORT INNOVATION is proud to celebrate Australian Pollinator Week (8-15 November 2020). Pollinators are vital to ensure we get the fruit, vegetables and nuts we love. Honey bees are

2 November 2020

Fact sheet

Infographic fact sheet

This fact sheet provides key information about Australian Almond Industry for international markets.

6 October 2019


Guide to Australian Almonds

This guide profiles and promotes the Australian Almond Industry to international customers.

1 October 2019

Completed project

Almond Industry Market Development Program – Europe (AL16010)

This investment supported the continued growth of Australian almond exports to Europe through attendance at major trade shows and by providing Australian industry updates to key European customers.

15 September 2020

Completed project

Identifying factors that influence spur productivity in almond (AL14005)

This project investigated the effects of irrigation, nitrogen and light interception on spur production in Nonpareil and Carmel trees.

30 September 2020

Fact sheet

Poster: The effect of water and nitrogen on almond production

This poster shows the relationship between almond production and amounts of water and nitrogen.

30 September 2020


Presentation: Identifying factors that influence spur productivity in almonds

This presentation provides an overview of the spur behavior and productivity across Carmel and Nonpareil cultivars under differing management practices

30 September 2020

Fact sheet

Poster: The effect of water and nitrogen on yield of almond trees

This poster shows the relationship between orchard irrigation levels and nitrogen levels and how this impacted almond tree productivity.

30 September 2020

Fact sheet

Poster: Water - Almond productivity during deficit

This poster shows the relationship between orchard irrigation levels and almond tree productivity

30 September 2020