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Completed project Final Research Report

Apple and Pear Nuffield Scholarship 2014/2015 (AP13034)

This project supported a Nuffield Scholarship awarded to apple and cherry grower Fiona Hall from Orange, NSW. Fiona studied how Australian growers could improve their profit margins by developing an international understanding of apple growing.

1 May 2017

Completed project Final Research Report

Developing sustainability through extension of best practice in the South Australian apple and pear industry (AP12038)

For the South Australian apple and pear industry, this investment supported the role and activities of an industry development officer from 2013 to 2016.

1 March 2017

Completed project Final Research Report

Market development for the apple industry (AP11016)

This project funded the role and activities of an APAL market development manager for the Australian apple and pear industry between 2011 and 2016.

11 September 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Apple and pear technical manager (AP11014)

This project funded the role and activities of a technical manager at APAL for the Australian apple and pear industry, from 2011 into 2016.

30 May 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

A needs analysis for integrated pest management R&D in the apple and pear industry (AP15014)

The use of integrated pest management (IPM) in the apple and pear industry was reviewed under this project.

7 May 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Research speed updating program (AP14003)

A 2015 'Speed Updating' event delivering R&D information to apple and pear growers was delivered by this investment.

4 April 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Precision fertigation for improved apple orchard productivity (AP12006)

This fertigation research produced nitrogen application information and guidelines for apple growers.

17 March 2016


Precision fertigation presentation

This presentation details research into precision fertigation application in apple orchards.

29 February 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Apple and pear industry communications (AP12013)

This investment supported the apple and pear industry's communications program from 2012 to 2015.

25 February 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Industry roundtable forum (AP13036)

This project facilitated apple and pear industry rountables in 2014 and 2015.

15 February 2016