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Completed project Final Research Report

Nursery Fund - Consumer usage and attitudes research (NY20002)

This investment delivered consumer insights that will help drive demand in the nursery industry. By providing a greater understanding of usage and attitudes towards nursery products, these insights will be used to improve knowledge and effectiveness of future marketing activities.

8 July 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Building the resilience and on-farm biosecurity capacity of the Australian production nursery industry (NY15002)

This investment enhanced the biosecurity preparedness of the Australian nursery industry by developing new contingency plans and providing up to date information for growers on on-farm biosecurity issues.

1 June 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Global review and gap analysis of nursery industry research and development initiatives (NY17006)

The findings of this project will be used by the nursery industry and Hort Innovation to plan and strengthen the Australian industry’s future R&D program.

11 May 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Identifying potential parasitoids of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, and the risk to Australian horticulture (MT19015)

This project examined potential parasitoids of fall armyworm and delivered extension materials to growers on how to effectively manage this pest.

28 September 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

RD&E program for control, eradication and preparedness for vegetable leafminer (MT16004)

This project assisted the vegetable industry prepare and protect against the potential spread of the vegetable, serpentine and American serpentine leafminers.

16 March 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Phenomenom - The Good Mood Food Module (ST19041)

This project, which was completed during 2020, expanded the number of Phenomenom resources available by adding a module that educates children, parents and teachers on the beneficial mood effects of a diet and lifestyle encompassing horticulture products.

22 February 2021

Completed project

Seasonal horticulture labour demand and workforce study (ST19040 and ST20008) (ST19040)

This short project ran in 2020 to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the horticulture sector in accessing and securing their casual workforce. The study provided an 18-month outlook on the casual labour demand across different regions, to support industry discussion on longer-term COVID-19 responses

22 February 2021

Ongoing project

National biosecurity and sustainable plant production program (NY20001)

This investment will prepare the nursery industry for plant pest and disease incursions, adapt to climate change risks through sustainable practices and maintain business continuity.

19 February 2021

Ongoing project

Resourcing, supporting and assessing biosecurity in nursery production (NY20000)

This investment is enhancing the biosecurity preparedness of the Australian nursery industry through new pest and disease contingency plans

19 February 2021

Completed project

Scanning technologies for horticulture packhouses (ST19022)

This project investigated the potential of in-line scanning technology to detect market access pest and disease organisms.

11 September 2020