251-260 of 266 results
New tissue nutrient reference levels for Victorian strawberries
This is a fact sheet on new tissue nutrient reference levels for Victorian strawberries
6 November 2017
Integrated approach for control of foliar diseases in strawberry runner nurseries and management of chemical resistance (BS13004)
This project looked at the control of powdery mildew and leaf blotch in the strawberry industry (both nursery and fruit growing) and led to minor use permits for new fungicides.
14 June 2017
Developing virus molecular diagnostics for post entry quarantine and certification of strawberry runners (BS12009)
A diagnostics manual for post-entry quarantine and certification of strawberry runners was developed under this investment.
26 May 2017
A focus on irrigation and fertiliser practices to improve production efficiency for language other than English strawberry growers (BS12025)
This project facilitated the adoption of efficient nutrition and irrigation practices among the Vietnamese-speaking strawberry-growing community in Western Australia.
6 February 2017
Controlling plant and fruit diseases in strawberry fields (BS11000)
The effectiveness of different chemical treatments for the control of grey mould and stem-end rot of strawberries were assessed in this project.
6 February 2017
The protected culture of strawberry plants growing under plastic tunnels (BS11003)
This project sought to determine the productivity of strawberry plants grown under high plastic tunnels compared to outdoor-grown plants.
28 June 2016
Determine optimum nitrogen and potassium requirement to maximise yield and quality of day-neutral Victorian strawberries (BS12010)
Increasing yield and quality of day-neutral Victorian-grown strawberries (Albion strawberries) was the focus of this project, which produced new plant nutrition information.
22 June 2016
Development of soil disinfestation systems for production of certified strawberry runners (BS13000)
This project looked at new soil disinfestation and growing approaches for the production of high-health strawberry runners in the absence of methyl bromide.
1 June 2016
Earlier yields and better establishment of strawberry runners (BS13002)
This project looked at strategies to improve strawberry runner establishment, to promote earlier yields and extend the harvest season.
19 May 2016
Identification and management strategies for true bugs in Tasmanian strawberries (BS13003)
Damaging bug species in Tasmanian strawberry crops were identified in this work, which produced pest and beneficial identification guides and integrated pest management information.
18 February 2016