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Media Release

India & Australia Deal: A Shot in the Arm for Crop Production

Media ReleaseTHE GROWER-OWNED Research and Development Corporation, Horticulture Innovation Australia (Hort innovation), has signed a historic $6 million co-operative research deal with the Indian Government as it moves to strengthen the nation’s

23 March 2016

Media Release

Driving a 40 per cent rise in vegetable exports

Media ReleaseTHE FUTURE is bright for Australia’s vegetable industry, following the release of an industry strategy that aims to increase the value of vegetable exports to $315 million, or 40 per cent, by 2020. The Vegetable Industry Export

31 January 2017

Media Release

Report warns Australian diets lacking in fruit and vegetables

Media ReleaseAUSTRALIA'S largest ever fruit and vegetable survey has found that four out of five Australian adults are not eating enough fruit and vegetables in order to meet the Australian Dietary Guidelines. Worryingly, the Fruit, Vegetables and

3 April 2017

Media Release

Satellites and guns to help supercharge the nation’s mango harvest

Media ReleaseCaption: Mango grower Marina Matzner (left) supports the use of modern technology on farms. RESEARCHERS and Northern Territory mango growers are combining high-resolution satellite imagery with data from hand-held fruit-scanning guns

18 December 2016

Media Release

Horticulture Growers to Steer Innovation Investment

Media ReleaseHORTICULTURE Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation) today announced that representatives of industry have been tasked with the role of advising it on the investment strategy for levy funds, as it moves to future-ready the nation’s

17 March 2016

Media Release

Wasps bite back

Media ReleaseA NATIONAL project under the lead of NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) entomologist, Jianhua Mo, aims to manage the devastating citrus gall wasp (CGW) by targeting the pest with its natural enemies, new generation pesticides

14 March 2016

Media Release

Chinese Trade Officials Inspect Mildura Farms

Media ReleaseIN A BOOST for Mildura’s fruit export profile, Chinese quarantine officials are inspecting two local farms to get a close up look at produce quality and processes as the nation’s horticulture Research and Development Corporation

22 March 2016

Media Release

$160K boost for banana industry development

Media ReleaseHORTICULTURE Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation) has invested $160,000 over three years to support the development of future industry leaders in the Australian banana industry though participation in the Nuffield Australia Farming

22 February 2016

Media Release

Territory awarded $1.2 million for biosecurity research

Media ReleaseThe Northern Territory Government has been recognised for its ground-breaking research into Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus (CGMMV), winning a $1.2 million contract with Horticulture Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation). Minister

4 February 2016

Media Release

Ramping up the next phase of trade

Media ReleaseTHE NATION'S horticulture Research and Development Corporation, Horticulture Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation), today established two new panels to help promote and boost Australian exports overseas. The panels – a Trade

2 February 2016