1101-1110 of 1152 results
Evaluation of high-quality Australian-bred sweet cherries for export and domestic markets (CY11016)
This project continued the evaluation of new high-yielding sweet cherry varieties.
4 September 2014
DArT markers for root rot resistance in pineapple (PI10006)
This project investigated the feasibility of developing pineapple varieties resistant to Phytophthera cinnamomi, which causes root rot.
27 August 2014
Conveying health benefits of Australian vegetables (VG12043)
The Veggycation vegetable education resource was developed by this project and allows consumers, educators and vegetable businesses to access information on the nutritional content and benefits of vegetables.
26 August 2014
Commercialisation of pear varieties (AP09026)
The evaluation and commercialisation of new Lanya (ANP-0118) and Deliza (ANP-0131) red blush pear varieties was supported through this investment.
9 August 2014
Australian Chestnut Grower's Handbook (CH12003)
This project produced the Australian Chestnut Growers’ Handbook. The handbook includes a history of the Australian chestnut industry, agronomy, species and varietal choice, orchard establishment, tree nutrition, chestnut harvesting, post‐harvest storage of chestnuts, environmental assurance, production economics and market opportunities.
8 August 2014
Australian almond industry study tour of Spain (AL13701)
This investment funded a 2014 study for Australian almond industry participants to learn about almond production practices in Spain.
8 July 2014
Papaya communications (PP11000)
This investment supported the papaya industry's communications program from 2013 to 2015, delivering the Papaya Post newsletter and industry website.
27 June 2014
Canopy management strategies for improved and sustainable productivity part 2: completing research and supporting on-farm assessment by growers (MC11000)
Controlling macadamia tree size/canopy management was the focus of this work, which investigated early tree training, root pruning, trunk girdling and strategic hedging timing.
27 June 2014
Optimum vegetable portion size to meet consumer needs (VG12094)
Consumer attidudes and needs regarding portion-packed vegetables were explored by this research, inspired by the idea that consumers may be purchasing fewer vegetables for fear of wasting them.
25 June 2014
Australian sweet persimmon industry development – phase 3 (PR12000)
This project developed the Persimmon Postharvest Manual and also delivered a range of work into pest and disease management, including research into mealy bug and clearwing moth.
25 June 2014