1141-1150 of 1152 results
Project extension: carton management in the banana industry (BA13019)
This investment delivered the results of research into banana carton configurations to industry, to help improve banana quality and presentation through the supply chain.
8 July 2012
Improving on-farm productivity and sustainability of the Australian macadamia industry (MC10003)
The role and activities of a macadamia productivity development officer were supported by this investment between 2010 and 2016.
18 June 2012
Banana strategic industry development (BA13023)
With a focus on biosecurity and the environment, this project supported the role and activities of an industry strategy manager within the Australian Banana Growers’ Council.
28 February 2012
International onion researcher delegation (VN17001)
This investment helped bring international researchers to Australia to share key insights with the onion industry
11 November 2011
Improving yield and quality in avocado through disease management - phase 2 (AV10001)
Managing avocado diseases to increase yield, fruit quality and avocado tree health was the focus of this research, which included work into Phytophthora, brown root rot, phosphorous acid and IDM.
15 August 2011
Improving the usability of information for the Australian macadamia industry through a web-based information bank (MC09002)
This project improved information access for macadamia growers, including through the establishment of the macSmart online portal.
10 June 2011
Improving farm productivity and competitiveness in the Australian macadamia industry (MC09001)
National on-farm benchmarking work for the macadamia industry was carried out under this investment, which also development financial planning resources and ran productivity groups.
10 February 2011
Banana industry extension and R&D management (BA11027)
A banana R&D manager was supported by this investment to provide project coordination, assist with project development, and provide technical advice to industry.
9 September 2010
Banana bunchy top virus - phase 2 (BA12006)
Banana bunchy top virus surveillance, eradication and suppression was the goal of this investment, the second phase in a 10-year plan aimed at eradicating the virus from Australia.
29 June 2010
Scoping herbicide impacts on banana production and soil health (BA13002)
This project investigated the potential impact of herbicides on soil health in banana production, with a focus on their influence on soil microorganisms.
14 September 2009