971-980 of 1152 results
Maintenance and ongoing development of communications across the Australian cherry industry (CY11026)
This investment supported the cherry industry's communications program from 2012 to 2016.
2 June 2016
Development of soil disinfestation systems for production of certified strawberry runners (BS13000)
This project looked at new soil disinfestation and growing approaches for the production of high-health strawberry runners in the absence of methyl bromide.
1 June 2016
Delivering a national citrus plantings database - 2014 (CT14010)
This project delivered the 2014 Citrus Tree Census, delivering reporting on Australian citrus planting data.
31 May 2016
Australian almond industry – liaison and extension project (AL12000)
This extension project delivered the latest information, research and technologies to Australian almond growers through field days, forums, fact sheets and more.
30 May 2016
Apple and pear technical manager (AP11014)
This project funded the role and activities of a technical manager at APAL for the Australian apple and pear industry, from 2011 into 2016.
30 May 2016
Young Leader Development Program (NY13017)
The Nursery Industry Young Leader Development Program was supported in 2014 and 2015 through this investment, offering professional and personal development for participants.
27 May 2016
Riverina fruit fly campaign coordinator (CT12010)
This investment supported a voluntary, grower-driven fruit fly control program for the Riverina region between 2012 and 2016.
25 May 2016
Australian Citrus Quality Standards Program - stage 2 (CT12004)
This project supported the Australian Citrus Quality Standards program and included large-scale consumer sensory research linking eating quality to the Standards.
23 May 2016
Earlier yields and better establishment of strawberry runners (BS13002)
This project looked at strategies to improve strawberry runner establishment, to promote earlier yields and extend the harvest season.
19 May 2016
A needs analysis for integrated pest management R&D in the apple and pear industry (AP15014)
The use of integrated pest management (IPM) in the apple and pear industry was reviewed under this project.
7 May 2016