331-340 of 641 results
Nursery industry career path development strategy
Strategy for the nursery industry workforce to address problems including a shortage of skilled workers and defined career paths
20 June 2019
Macadamia lace bug fact sheet
Fact sheet on macadamia lace bug species found to cause damage in macadamia orchards
24 June 2019
Climate strengths and challenges for almond production reports
These reports detail the major climate strengths and challenges of different almond growing regions in Australia
19 June 2019
Almond phenology model spreadsheet
Spreadsheet of almond phenology model that growers can use to estimate time of flowering, fruit maturity and harvest in almonds
19 June 2019
Exploring the potential of low dose irradiation phytosanitary treatments
Report of a study showing how washing techniques reduce residue levels of dithiocarbamate in lemons
23 November 2018
Evaluation of postharvest removal of dithiocarbamate residues in lemons
Report of a study showing how washing techniques reduce residue levels of dithiocarbamate in lemons
23 November 2018
Economic evaluation of the macadamia breeding program
Economic performance predictions for new macadamia varieties over twenty years
29 November 2018
Innovation coach brochure
A fact sheet explaining the five steps in the Innovation Coach program to help growers adopt new technologies
28 September 2018
How does the surrounding landscape affect beneficials on your farm?
This fact sheet guides optimal placement of vegetable crops in relation to landscape features
22 September 2020
Suppressing vegetable pests on your farm
Article presenting early findings from a survey of pests and beneficials found in vegetable crops across Australia
22 February 2019