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Benchmarking supports growers to track their progress

Meet Bruce Macguire, macadamia grower from Kin Kin, Queensland

14 November 2022


Taste the Wonders of Australia

Taste the Wonders of Australia Thailand’s fabulous flavours and Australia’s finest produce – it’s a combination that’s hard to beat and one that was on full display in Bangkok this week at the Taste the Wonders of Australia event. Celebrity chef

3 November 2022


Harnessing cutting-edge genetic technologies for the benefit of the macadamia and mango industries

Recipient of the Hort Innovation sponsored 2022 Science and Innovation Award, Dr Stephanie Kerr, is researching new methods of genetically manipulating macadamia and mango trees to quickly develop elite cultivars.

9 March 2022


Getting more macadamias in more mouths across more markets

This case study provides a snapshot of Hort Innovation's marketing activities for macadamias in 2020/21.

25 February 2022


Boosting macadamia productivity and profit through better tech and fewer pests

Meet macadamia grower Peter Fraser, who has been using integrated pest and disease management for 25 years, assisted by research conducted through the Hort Innovation Macadamia Fund and supported by the activities of the Australian Macadamia Society.

10 February 2022

Fact sheet

Opportunities for high-technology horticulture in urban Australia.

This resource provides information on the context of high-technology in horticulture, and how it's being implemented in urban areas to serve a variety of purposes. 

13 December 2021


The Masterclass in Horticultural Business course is now open for 2022 intakes

The Masterclass in Horticultural Business course is now open for 2022 intakesThe Masterclass in Horticultural Business was launched in 2017 by The University of Tasmania, in partnership with some of the world’s leading names in horticulture,

1 November 2021


The importance of crop hygiene and host management

The importance of crop hygiene and host managementWith Biosecurity Month upon us and fruit fly season ramping up, it is more important than ever to manage the host sources where Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) may be hiding. Although fruit flies have

30 September 2021


No shame just fame for Our Green Gold

No shame just fame for Our Green GoldThe verdict is in – Aussie mums and dads have voted, and the Australian Avocados ‘Our Green Gold’ campaign won the Food Fame Award at the annual Parent’s Voice Fame & Shame Awards. Now in its 17th year, the

28 November 2021


Setting the course for protected cropping

Setting the course for protected croppingA strategy to provide direction and support for crops grown under shelter in Australia has been launched. Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia David Littleproud said the Australian Protected

25 November 2021