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Fact sheet

Impact of pesticides and fungicides on beneficial species fact sheet

This fact sheet shows how beneficial species are affected by pesticides and fungicides, to inform effective integrated pest management in almonds

21 June 2019


Alternative pesticides for use in almonds review

This review sets out a number of alternative pest control options for pests, including effects on beneficial species, for use in integrated pest management of almonds

21 June 2019


Western Australia Vegetable industry benchmarks 2016-17

This benchmarking report provides vegetable growers with insight into the financial and production performance of the state in 2016-17

14 August 2019


Western Australia Vegetable industry benchmarks 2018-19

This benchmarking report provides vegetable growers with insight into the financial and production performance of the state in 2018-19

14 August 2019


Western Australia Vegetable industry benchmarks 2017-18

This benchmarking report provides vegetable growers with insight into the financial and production performance of the state in 2017-18

14 August 2019


Nursery industry career pathways report

Report on issues facing nursery industry workforce including a shortage of skilled workers and defined career paths

20 June 2019


Nursery industry career path development strategy

Strategy for the nursery industry workforce to address problems including a shortage of skilled workers and defined career paths

20 June 2019

Fact sheet

Macadamia lace bug fact sheet

Fact sheet on macadamia lace bug species found to cause damage in macadamia orchards

24 June 2019


Climate strengths and challenges for almond production reports

These reports detail the major climate strengths and challenges of different almond growing regions in Australia

19 June 2019

Data and insights

Almond phenology model spreadsheet

Spreadsheet of almond phenology model that growers can use to estimate time of flowering, fruit maturity and harvest in almonds

19 June 2019