291-300 of 554 results
Turf lifecycle assessment – goal and scope report
Report outlining all the measures and calculations made of sites to form an environmental impact model of turf production
30 April 2019
Performance benchmarking for turf production
A 2018 benchmarking report on the performance of turf producers, farm conditions and environmental risks
30 November 2018
Hong Kong marketing pilot identifies niche opportunities for apples
Hong Kong marketing pilot identifies niche opportunities for applesThis article was prepared by Hort Innovation for the June edition of the e-newsletter Industry Juice, produced as part of the Hort Innovation Apple and Pear Fund investment National
6 June 2019
Integrated Pest Management of Redberry Mite in Blackberries 2019
Fact sheet on redberry mite IPM in blackberries
31 December 2018
Integrated pest management of redberry mite in blackberries
Fact sheet on redberry mite management using integrated pest management
31 December 2018
Redberry mite lifecycle and monitoring
Fact sheet on how to find any redberry mites on blackberry through stages of development
31 December 2018
Spotted wing drosophila project summer 2019 update fact sheet
A fact sheet providing a Summer 2019 update on MT17005, preparedness for an incursion of the exotic pest spotted wing drosophila
30 April 2019
Spotted wing drosophila host list
A list of known hosts of the exotic pest spotted wing drosophila, including crops and other plants
30 April 2019
Literature review on alternative control options to chemical control
Review of the literature on non-chemical control options for the exotic pest, spotted wing drosophila
30 April 2019
Pineapple strategic agrichemical review report (2019)
This report provides an overview of current priorities and gaps regarding pest, disease and weed control in the pineapple industry.
15 April 2019