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Market insight reports: cultural festivals and events

New Austrade reports available to assist Australian horticulture businesses that export to better understand opportunities and uses for their produce as gifts and offerings during cultural festivals and events.

9 July 2019

Fact sheet

Spotted wing drosophila project summer 2019 update fact sheet

A fact sheet providing a Summer 2019 update on MT17005, preparedness for an incursion of the exotic pest spotted wing drosophila

30 April 2019


FacTree evaluation report 2013-2014

This 2013-2014 FacTree evaluation report provides growers with performance data on new cultivars to assist them in choosing the right varieties to plant and to help mitigate the risks involved in this process.

30 June 2014


FacTree evaluation report 2010-2011

This 2010-2011 FacTree evaluation report provides growers with performance data on new cultivars to assist them in choosing the right varieties to plant and to help mitigate the risks involved in this process.

30 June 2011

Fact sheet

Nitrous oxide emissions in cherry and apple crops

This fact sheet provides growers with a snap shot about the impact of nitrous oxide and what factors in apple and cherry orchards result in lower soil emissions

18 October 2016

Fact sheet

Manipulating nutrition for fruit quality and shelf life

This fact sheet summarises the results of a study into the influence of nutrient and water use efficiency on cherry trees.

30 November 2018


Researchers buzzing with latest sterile Queensland fruit fly finding

ArticleScientists have developed an additional safeguard to differentiate factory-reared sterile Queensland fruit flies (Qflies) from their wild relatives in research being delivered as part of the national Sterile Insect Technology Plus

2 September 2017


From value-adding to agri-tourism, we explore it all to improve farm-gate returns

A cherry growers’ strategy for improving farm-gate returns considers ways of being innovative outside of the actual growing.

30 November 2016