21-30 of 33 results
eDNA analysis of plant-pollinator relationships to improve Hass avocado production in south-west Western Australia (PH19007)
This project explored a method known as eDNA metabarcoding to determine which insect species and native plants are supporting successful avocado pollination.
12 June 2024
Understanding and managing the role of honey bees in CGMMV epidemiology (VM18008)
This project determined the mechanisms by which honey bees introduce CGMMV into healthy cucurbit plants and developed recommendations to manage the transmission of CGMMV by honey bees.
15 December 2021
Development and implementation of protocols to enable importation of improved honey bee genetics to Australia (MT18019)
This investment laid the groundwork for the importation of desirable honey bee germplasm into Australia, with a focus on sourcing genetic material from bees with a tolerance to Varroa mite and its associated viruses
15 December 2021
Statistical review and re-design of the National Bee Pest Surveillance Program (MT14057)
This project reviewed the effectiveness of the National Bee Pest Surveillance Program, with its recommendations leading to new and improved elements of the program.
25 July 2016
Understanding practices in key pollination areas (MT13027)
This project investigated current pollination practices in the apple and pear, cherry, and blueberry industries.
26 June 2014
Stingless bees as effective managed pollinators for Australian horticulture (PH16000)
This investment examined Australia’s native stingless bees for their suitability as alternative pollinators, in the face of threats to wild honey bee populations such as Varroa mite.
2 July 2023
Enhanced National Bee Pest Surveillance Program (MT16005)
This investment delivered a nationally coordinated bee-pest surveillance program to help safeguard honey-bee and pollinator-dependent industries in Australia.
13 December 2021
Pollination as a controlling factor in almond yield (AL14004)
This project looked at how high levels of pollination can be used to improve almond crop yield without compromising quality.
26 July 2017
Optimising pollination of macadamia and avocado in Australia (MT13060)
This project sought to identify the most effective pollination management strategies in Australian macadamia and avocado crops.
7 March 2017
National honey bee pest surveillance program (MT12011)
This investment supported the National Bee Pest Surveillance Program (NBPSP) from 2013 to 2016, to help safeguard pollination-dependent industries.
5 February 2019