71-80 of 128 results
National Bee Pest Surveillance Program: Transition program (MT21008)
This investment is delivering a national coordinated bee-pest surveillance program to help safeguard honey-bee and pollinator-dependent industries in Australia.
19 January 2022
Phase 1: Scoping workshop - Real time decision support system for remote monitoring of crops (AS20006)
This investment examined key challenges affecting horticulture industries to inform a future investment into developing a real-time decision support system for remote monitoring of crops.
13 December 2021
Innovation at Work (LP20000)
This investment is exploring new processes for delivering extension within horticultural industries in Australia
23 November 2021
Naturally Nutritious (HN15001)
This project provided initial research for the development of innovative appealing products that are nutrient-dense, can be differentiated in the marketplace, and are visually attractive and flavoursome
13 September 2021
Building capacity in irradiation – pathways for export (AM19002)
This investment addressed the gaps in Australia’s knowledge of disinfestation using irradiation.
22 May 2024
Loss of horticultural pollination services from wild insects following bushfires (PH20002)
This project estimated the impact of the loss of pollination services by conducting a case study of an extreme event (major bushfire) on wild pollinator communities and the pollination services they provide to a focal horticultural crop (apple).
30 April 2024
Crop and varietal data to better understand the importance of pollination (PH20001)
This project will ensure that all available crop pollination dependency data is easily accessible to relevant stakeholders
10 August 2021
Development of blue-banded bees as managed buzz pollinators (PH19001)
This project is developing a range of management techniques that will enhance the potential of using blue-banded bees as an alternative pollinator in commercial greenhouses.
10 August 2021
Building Better Sustainable Horticulture Businesses (LP20001)
This program equipped Western Australian horticulture growers to make data-driven business decisions by providing access to rigorous industry-level insights on financial and production performance.
24 June 2024
Breeding a male-only strain of Queensland fruit fly (FF18002)
This investment worked towards developing a male-selecting strain of Queensland fruit fly for use in the Port August SITplus facility.
16 August 2023