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Completed project

SITplus: Improved population management system for Queensland fruit fly (HG13034)

This project developed new lures to attract Queensland fruit fly females, and better modelling to estimate effectiveness of control measures

23 November 2018

Completed project

Implementation of RapidAIM: Real-time monitoring for the presence and location of fruit fly (ST16009)

This project demonstrated the full service offering of 'RapidAIM' in five fruit-growing regions across Australia.

27 September 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

SITplus: Raising Qfly sterile insect technique to world standard (HG14033)

This investment brought the technology and scientific underpinnings of Qfly SIT and AWM up to world standard to ensure that the initiative succeeds in delivering viable and sustainable solutions to Australian growers.

31 May 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

SITplus: Developing and optimising production of a male-only, temperature-sensitive-lethal, strain of Qfly, B. tryoni (MT13059)

This investment has successfully demonstrated a method to develop a ‘temperature-sensitive lethal, male-selecting’ strain of Queensland fruit fly (Qfly).

31 January 2019