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Completed project Final Research Report

Development of non-invasive methods and systems for the assessment of hive health (PH17001)

This investment addressed the demand from horticultural industries for greater confidence in pollination services through the evaluation and dissemination of information on hive standards, commercial pollination practices and sensing technology to determine colony health and hive strength in key horticultural industries (almond, avocado, cucurbits, blueberry).

29 April 2024

Ongoing project

Managing flies for crop pollination (PH16002)

This investment is looking into the potential of using flies as alternative crop pollinators, including looking at the effectiveness of specific species in pollinating avocado, berry (blueberry, raspberry and strawberry), hybrid carrot seed and brassica seed crops

21 January 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Increasing yield and quality in tropical horticulture with better pollination, fruit retention and nutrient distribution (PH16001)

This investment investigated how to increase yield and crop quality by better understanding cross-pollination effects on fruit and nut quality.

18 September 2023

Completed project Final Research Report

Strengthening and enabling effective pollination for Australia (PH15000)

This investment identified key pollinators across different Australian crops and produced recommendations for pollination management to optimise yields and minimise the risk of pollination failure.

20 February 2024

Completed project Final Research Report

Stingless bees as effective managed pollinators for Australian horticulture (PH16000)

This investment examined Australia’s native stingless bees for their suitability as alternative pollinators, in the face of threats to wild honey bee populations such as Varroa mite.

2 July 2023