341-350 of 374 results
Managing flies for crop pollination (PH16002)
This investment is looking into the potential of using flies as alternative crop pollinators, including looking at the effectiveness of specific species in pollinating avocado, berry (blueberry, raspberry and strawberry), hybrid carrot seed and brassica seed crops
21 January 2019
National tree genomics program (AS17000)
This program supports the harnessing of genetic technologies for the benefit of Australian tree crop industries
18 January 2019
National PhD scholarship scheme – driving research innovation (LP15007)
This project supports PhD-based research that will benefit the Australian horticulture industry.
18 January 2019
Churchill Fellowships (LP16002)
This investment supports three Churchill Fellowships annually to drive innovation and transformation within Australia's horticultural industry
18 January 2019
Avocado industry biosecurity capacity building (AV16010)
This investment is monitoring and delivering new diagnostic protocols for key threats to the Australian avocado industry.
20 December 2018
Macadamia regional variety trials series 4 (MC17006)
This investment is continuing to evaluate the performance of new and emerging macadamia varieties.
14 December 2018
Banana industry minor use permit program (BA16003)
This project funds submitting renewals and applications for minor use permits for the banana industry.
12 December 2018
Vegetable industry minor use program (VG16020)
Through this project, levy funds and Australian Government contributions are used to submit renewals and applications for minor use permits for the vegetable industry as required.
10 December 2018
Mango industry minor use program (MG16004)
This project funds submitting renewals and applications for minor use permits for the mango industry.
9 December 2018
Cherry industry minor use permit program (CY16005)
This investment supports applications and renewals of minor use permits for the cherry industry
7 December 2018