291-300 of 384 results
SITplus: Developing and optimising production of a male-only, temperature-sensitive-lethal, strain of Qfly, B. tryoni (MT13059)
This investment has successfully demonstrated a method to develop a ‘temperature-sensitive lethal, male-selecting’ strain of Queensland fruit fly (Qfly).
31 January 2019
Biology, species and genetic diversity of macadamia lace bugs (MC13008)
This investment identified macadamia lace bugs that are damaging to macadamia production and developed recommendations on how to prevent reinfestation in orchards
24 June 2019
Review of the national biosecurity plan for the cherry industry and development of a biosecurity manual for cherry producers (CY16010)
This investment updated the cherry industry's biosecurity plan and delivered an updated Orchard Biosecurity Manual for growers.
31 May 2021
Methyl bromide disinfestation of cherries for Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) (CY16009)
This project was tasked with providing a data package on the use of methyl bromide as a post-harvest disinfestation fumigant for Queensland fruit fly on cherries.
31 March 2020
Protecting Australia's citrus genetic material (CT17008)
This investment supported the National Citrus Repository (NCR) program for publicly owned citrus varieties, to maintain industry access to healthy planting material.
16 August 2021
Banana bunchy top virus control data (BA17001)
This investment was tasked with helping the banana industry contain and further lower the incidence of banana bunchy top disease, and providing the capacity to ensure a faster response time to any new incursions of the virus
22 January 2019
Review of the national biosecurity plan for the banana industry (BA15001)
This investment was responsible for updating the banana industry’s biosecurity plan.
9 August 2021
An integrated disease management program for the Australian almond industry (AL16005)
This program helped growers improve the on-farm management of key almond diseases.
20 December 2022
Coordination of banana industry research and development (Panama TR4) (BA14012)
This investment coordinated and built knowledge and capacity within the Australian banana industry to manage and contain Panama Tropical Race 4 (TR4) fungal disease
1 December 2018
Independent program coordination for apple and pear productivity program (AP14022)
This investment supported the coordination and integration of the projects that made up the apple and pear industry's 'PIPS2' program.
30 September 2019