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Completed project

Foodservice foundational market insights (MT21011)

This investment has equipped the avocado, melon, mushroom, onion, papaya, sweetpotato and vegetable industries with market insights into the foodservice sector.

5 August 2022

Ongoing project

Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2021-22 to 2023-24 (MT21006)

This whole-of-horticulture investment is responsible for producing Hort Innovation’s annual Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook

11 May 2022

Ongoing project

Multi-industry export program (Vegetables, Onions and Melons) (MT21009)

This investment is tasked with providing international trade development support for Australian vegetable, onion and melon growers.

29 April 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

Economic contribution of Australian horticulture (MT21010)

This investment used a suite of economic models to measure and understand how the horticulture industry contributes to the Australian economy.

18 July 2023

Completed project Final Research Report

Australian onions export market intelligence (VN20004)

This short project provided the onion industry with valuable insights to improve understanding of markets and export opportunities.

28 September 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

Onion-specific Phenomenom resource creation (VN20008)

This project educated children about the nutritional benefits of Australian onions through a collection of new Phenomenom resources

5 April 2022

Completed project

Vegetable cluster consumer insights program (MT17017) (MT17017a)

This multi-industry investment provided regular consumer behaviour data and insight reporting about the onion industry through the Harvest to Home platform.

16 March 2022

Ongoing project

Consumer behavioural data program (MT21004)

This multi-industry investment is tasked with providing regular consumer behaviour data and insight reporting to a range of industries

10 March 2022

Completed project

Pilot program: Consumer usage, attitude and brand tracking (MT21201)

This pilot program provided a category tracking service to allow various horticultural categories to better understand consumer usage and attitudes and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

9 March 2022