71-80 of 85 results
Review of the national biosecurity plan for the onion industry and development of a biosecurity manual for onion producers (VN15001)
This investment was responsible for reviewing and updating the onion industry’s biosecurity plan.
31 May 2021
Australian onion industry communications (VN15002)
This project delivered effective and timely communications to ensure Australian onion growers and other industry stakeholders were kept up-to-date with the latest R&D outcomes, marketing activities, and other industry news and information
30 April 2019
Onion industry minor use program (VN16000)
This investment supports applications and renewals of minor use permits for the onion industry.
7 December 2018
An IPM extension program for the potato and onion industries (MT16009)
This project focused on integrated pest management (IPM) for the onion and potato growing and processing industries.
27 September 2022
Enhanced National Bee Pest Surveillance Program (MT16005)
This investment delivered a nationally coordinated bee-pest surveillance program to help safeguard honey-bee and pollinator-dependent industries in Australia.
13 December 2021
Development of an onion white rot forecast model for Tasmania (VN14001)
This project examined onion white rot and identified major risk factors that will be of benefit to onion growers
10 October 2018
Classification of the onion rust complex and development of rapid diagnostic assays (VN13001)
Onion rusts affecting Australian crops were investigated by this project, which identified rust complex species and developed diagnostic tests to aid onion rust identification.
3 August 2017
International Onion Research Delegation (VN16001)
This investment brought two international speakers to share knowledge and world best practice with onion growers at the 2016 Hort Connections industry conference.
30 June 2017
Managing soil borne diseases of onions (VN13003)
A best practice guide for onion stunt was produced by this project, which looked at improving management of the disease as well as looking at root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus neglectus and pink-root-causing Setophoma terrrestris.
16 June 2017
Communications plan for the Australian onion industry extension (VN12003)
This investment supported the onion industry's communication and extension program between 2012 and 2015.
4 April 2016