1151-1160 of 1519 results
Coordination of banana industry research and development (Panama TR4) (BA14012)
This investment coordinated and built knowledge and capacity within the Australian banana industry to manage and contain Panama Tropical Race 4 (TR4) fungal disease
1 December 2018
InfoPome 3 (AP15008)
This investment supported the system maintenance and development of InfoPome, the apple and pear industry's stock tracking system.
1 December 2018
Independent program coordination for apple and pear productivity program (AP14022)
This investment supported the coordination and integration of the projects that made up the apple and pear industry's 'PIPS2' program.
30 September 2019
Almond minor use permit program (AL16002)
Almond minor use permit renewals and applications are submitted through this project as required.
21 November 2018
Australian almond industry communications program (AL16000)
This investment funded the almond industry communications program, including In An Nutshell newsletters and more
20 September 2019
Managing almond production in a variable and changing climate (AL14006)
This project involved a detailed analysis of climate across Australian almond growing regions and trials to identify and prioritise risks arising from climate change as well as developing ways to manage expected problems
19 June 2019
Management and detection of bacterial leaf spot in capsicum and chilli crops (VG14010)
This project aimed to increase the capacity of the vegetable industry to develop integrated disease management programs for bacterial leaf spot of capsicum and chili field crops.
7 November 2018
NxGen 2016-18 (TU15002)
This project was responsible for supporting the turf industry’s annual NxGen forums from 2016 into 2018.
7 November 2018
Queensland citrus improvement scheme: finding better rootstocks for Australia (CT13004)
This investment investigated a range of new rootstocks for citrus growers, leading to the commercialisation of the new Barkley rootstock.
31 October 2018
Investigating tree mortality during early field establishment (AV14012)
This project looked at the species of fungi associated with black root rot in avocado, with a view to developing a diagnostic tests and management strategies.
29 October 2018