1321-1330 of 1519 results
Low dose methyl bromide against fruit flies to improve market access for summerfruit (SF12016)
A new market access protocol based on low-dose methyl bromide fumigation was negotiated with China based on the research conducted in this project, for access of Australian nectarines into China.
27 July 2016
Landscape diversity and field margin management (VG14047)
This project looked at the potential protective effect of maintaining semi-natural habitats around vegetable crop fields, in regards to vegetable pest management.
19 July 2016
Evaluation of potential prunus rootstocks for almond production (AL11012)
This project evaluated a range of almond rootstocks under various Australian growing conditions, to find new and improved rootstock varieties for the industry.
18 July 2016
Monitoring mango fruit quality through the supply chain to the US (MG15004)
This project monitored two consignments of Australian mangoes to the United States of America - monitoring supply chain impacts on quality in the industry's US export pilot program.
5 July 2016
Market research around the opportunity to create more vegetable snacking options to quantify market size (VG14024)
The opportunity to create more vegetable snacking options was explored in this preliminary market research, which fed into subsequent vegetable snacking work.
3 July 2016
Export development for Australian cherries (CY12007)
Market access and export development for the cherry industry was continued through this project, which updated the industry export manual and other resources.
30 June 2016
The protected culture of strawberry plants growing under plastic tunnels (BS11003)
This project sought to determine the productivity of strawberry plants grown under high plastic tunnels compared to outdoor-grown plants.
28 June 2016
State of the art hydro-sprigging technology to expand the Australian turfgrass industry (TU13026)
This project developed an innovative hydro-sprigging protocol for turf - allowing grass sprigs to be delivered to large areas of bare soil using a hydraulic pump.
28 June 2016
Pre-harvest practices that will increase the shelf-life and freshness of vegetables (VG14025)
The effects of pre-harvest practices and factors on vegetable shelf-life and quality were explored in this research.
28 June 2016
Dried fruits knowledge management project (DG13005)
An online library for dried grape production resources was established under this project.
27 June 2016