1361-1370 of 1519 results
In-line approaches to control surface pests of concern from export citrus (CT13010)
This project investigated and evaluated control and management tactics for Fuller's rose weevil (FRW) in citrus, with the aim of expanding export opportunities.
15 March 2016
Marker assisted breeding of papaya to develop new commercial lines (PP10005)
The papaya industry's breeding program for new varieties was supported by this project from 2011 to 2015.
9 March 2016
Development of molecular diagnostic tools to detect endemic and exotic pathogens of Prunus species for Australia (MT12005)
Diagnostic tools for common summerfruit and almond pathogens were developed under this investment.
8 March 2016
An objective basis for temperate nut industries expansion (MT14041)
Information to support industry expansion for a range of temperate nut crops was produced by this investment, for use by the relevant industries.
8 March 2016
Identifying and understanding the factors influencing bioactive levels in vegetables (VG14027)
This project added information on phytonutrients found in vegetables to the Veggycation online education platofrm, which helps communicate the health benefits of Australian vegetables.
8 March 2016
Market development through the National Urban Forest Alliance (NY13002)
This investment raised awareness of the benefits of green space and nursery products by engaging like-minded parties from local government and other industries through the National Urban Forest Alliance
7 March 2016
Understanding spatial variability in potato cropping to improve yield and production efficiency (PT13000)
This project looked at variability within individual potato production fields, subsequent impacts on crop yields, and the need to apply inputs at variable rates (precision agriculture).
29 February 2016
Field extension officer for Western Australia (VG12026)
This investment funded the role and activities of a Field Extension Officer to support growers in Western Australia between 2012 and 2015.
25 February 2016
Apple and pear industry communications (AP12013)
This investment supported the apple and pear industry's communications program from 2012 to 2015.
25 February 2016
Vietnamese field extension officer for the Western Australian vegetable industry (VG12024)
This investment supported a Vietnamese Field Extension Officer for the Western Australia vegetable industry between 2012 and 2015.
25 February 2016