1461-1470 of 1519 results
Adaptive pest management for horticulture under climate change – pilot pest scoping (VG13029)
The effect of climate change on pest populations and pest management for the vegetable industry was explored in this research, which focused on silverleaf whitefly and diamondback moth.
27 October 2014
Producing high value dried grapes - Stage 1 (DG13004)
This project investigated how to consistently produce light-coloured dried grapes, looking at maturity at time of drying, the use of protective covers and more.
23 October 2014
Understanding to revitalise fresh pear industry development (AP13011)
This short investment sought to better understand Australian pear growers' information needs and businesses, feeding into future industry development and communication work.
17 October 2014
Banana industry support for Nuffield Australia Farming Scholarship (BA11003)
This investment supported a Nuffield Scholarship in 2013, with the recipient looking at banana biosecurity, fruit quality and waste management.
14 October 2014
A benefit/cost assessment in citrus integrated pest management following the application of soil amendments (CT10022)
This project investigated the use of compost to reduce emergency of citrus thrips from soil as part of an integrated pest management approach
13 October 2014
Making good variety investment decisions: a tree fruit variety evaluation program for Australia (MT10051)
This project involved planting a number of banana crops in four key production regions across Australia to evaluate the characteristics of a number of varieties
7 October 2014
Market potential for value added peach, nectarine, plum and apricot product (SF13000)
This project investigated the viability of the production and marketing of fresh summerfruit juice in Australia, to add value to product that is otherwise discarded.
18 September 2014
Evaluation of high-quality Australian-bred sweet cherries for export and domestic markets (CY11016)
This project continued the evaluation of new high-yielding sweet cherry varieties.
4 September 2014
DArT markers for root rot resistance in pineapple (PI10006)
This project investigated the feasibility of developing pineapple varieties resistant to Phytophthera cinnamomi, which causes root rot.
27 August 2014
Conveying health benefits of Australian vegetables (VG12043)
The Veggycation vegetable education resource was developed by this project and allows consumers, educators and vegetable businesses to access information on the nutritional content and benefits of vegetables.
26 August 2014