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Ongoing project

Avocado industry benchmarking (AV22004)

This project is equipping avocado growers with benchmarking data to inform their decision-making and to provide financial and production insights to the industry as a whole.

19 April 2023

Ongoing project

Soil wealth and integrated crop protection – phase 3 (MT22004)

The Soil Wealth and Integrated Crop Protection program assists melon and vegetable growers to improve the management of their soil and crop health, to drive their productivity, profitability and sustainability on-farm.

19 April 2023

Completed project Final Research Report

Exploration of advanced control and detection methods for varroa mite (PH22002)

This investment assisted the Australian beekeeping industry in responding to the incursion of Varroa Mite by providing information on developing technologies to monitor and control the mite in the Australian context.

10 September 2024

Completed project Final Research Report

Avocado retail education 2023 (AV22006)

This short project addressed retail gaps in knowledge of avocado varieties and quality management, such as stock management, storage practices, product displays and shelf management.

23 August 2023

Ongoing project

Australian Strawberry Breeding Program (BS22000)

This investment continues the development and commercial release of superior strawberry varieties for Australian environments, including temperate, subtropical and Mediterranean-growing regions

3 April 2023

Ongoing project

Managing mangoes for future climates (MG22000)

This project is developing an understanding of how future climates will impact Australia’s mango production.

3 April 2023

Ongoing project

Melon training and leadership program (VM22003)

This investment provides a suite of training opportunities for melon growers, with the aim of increasing engagement and providing a succession plan for leadership roles within the melon industry.

3 April 2023

Ongoing project

Turf industry communications program (TU22000)

This project is responsible for keeping Australian turf growers and other industry stakeholders informed about the progress of their levy investments, as well as other vital industry information.

3 April 2023

Ongoing project

Expansion of flies as berry crop pollinators (MT22007)

This investment is examining the role flies play in pollinating berry crops in the Coffs Harbour region of New South Wales to better inform future research into alternative managed pollinators.

30 March 2023