381-390 of 1519 results
Economic contribution of Australian horticulture (MT21010)
This investment used a suite of economic models to measure and understand how the horticulture industry contributes to the Australian economy.
18 July 2023
Multi-pest surveillance and grower education to manage banana pests and diseases (BA21003)
This investment supports banana growers in containing and managing significant pests and diseases, and to help in the early detection of exotic pests and diseases.
8 April 2022
Mushroom industry communications program (MU21003)
Beginning in 2022, this investment supports banana growers in containing and managing significant pests and diseases, and to help in the early detection of exotic pests and diseases
8 April 2022
Australian onions export market intelligence (VN20004)
This short project provided the onion industry with valuable insights to improve understanding of markets and export opportunities.
28 September 2022
Novel microbiome technologies to increase profitability for Australian horticulture (AS19004)
This investment is tasked with developing and deploying new microbiome technologies that will increase the yield, and therefore profitability, of annual and perennial Australian horticultural crops.
8 April 2022
Mushroom industry communication program (MU18001)
This investment delivered communications to ensure Australian mushroom growers and other industry stakeholders were kept up-to-date with the latest R&D and marketing investments and industry information.
5 April 2022
Building best management practice capacity for the Australian mango industry (MG17000)
This investment supported the activities of a mango industry development manager and two supporting region-specific industry development officers.
5 April 2022
Onion-specific Phenomenom resource creation (VN20008)
This project educated children about the nutritional benefits of Australian onions through a collection of new Phenomenom resources
5 April 2022
Digitisation of mushroom industry archive (MU21000)
This short project digitised an archive of mushroom industry research and communication outputs so that growers have full access to these valuable materials.
5 April 2022
Citrus health and nutrition literature review (CT20004)
This investment reviewed the current evidence-based health benefits of Australian citrus
20 October 2022