431-440 of 1519 results
Sweetpotato Emerging Leaders Program (PW21001)
This investment is delivering a leadership program to build capability within the sweetpotato industry.
16 February 2022
Identifying new resistance genes for Panama Tropical Race 4 (BA21000)
This investment is identifying new genetic material associated with Panama Tropical Race 4 resistance with the aim of developing a range of molecular markers to support plant breeding research for Australian banana growers.
16 February 2022
Securing pollination for productive agriculture: guidelines for effective pollinator management and stakeholder adoption (PH16004)
This project collected and disseminated information needed to design meaningful action to enhance pollination security and resilience for farmers of pollination dependent crops.
31 March 2021
Educating health professionals about Australian mushrooms (MU17002)
This education program delivered research and information on the nutritional benefits of mushrooms to Australian health professionals including dietitians, nutritionists, GPs and more
27 January 2022
Advancing women’s leadership across the Australian horticultural sector (LP16000)
This investment provided women in the horticulture industry the opportunity to apply for leadership development courses
27 January 2022
National Bee Pest Surveillance Program: Transition program (MT21008)
This investment is delivering a national coordinated bee-pest surveillance program to help safeguard honey-bee and pollinator-dependent industries in Australia.
19 January 2022
Study to review automation of banana de-handing (BA21005)
This project examined whether automating banana de-handing is feasible, and provided the banana industry with an understanding of what would be required to progress towards automation.
26 September 2022
Ex-post impact assessment – industry specific (MT20008)
Through this investment, independent consultants evaluatde the impact of R&D investments in the Hort Innovation Berry, Mango, Nursery and Turf Funds.
19 January 2022
Feasibility study into opportunities for high-technology horticulture production in urban environments (HA19005)
This project provided recommendations on how the Australian horticulture industry can realise opportunities surrounding high technology horticulture production in urban environments and build the capacity of this sector.
12 January 2022
Phase 1: Scoping workshop - Real time decision support system for remote monitoring of crops (AS20006)
This investment examined key challenges affecting horticulture industries to inform a future investment into developing a real-time decision support system for remote monitoring of crops.
13 December 2021