841-850 of 1519 results
Australian Pome Fruit Improvement Program Limited 2011 - 2016 (AF11002)
This project funded the Australian Pome Fruit Improvement Program (APFIP) from 2011 to 2016 for the apple and pear industry
5 February 2019
Macadamia – propagation and precocity (MC13014)
Plant growth regulators, mini-grafted trees and tree girdling were found to reduce the time to first harvest and boost yield in macadamia trees in this research.
31 January 2019
International industry analysis for DPA de-contamination, alternative treatments and review of current best practice (AP17001)
This investment reviewed technologies available for protecting apples and pears against storage disorders including superficial scalding and internal browning
30 January 2019
Educational opportunities around the perceptions and aversions to vegetables through digital media – long-form video (VG16018)
This investment supports the continued activities of the Phenomenom web series and related resources for increasing kids' educaiton around and attitudes towards vegetables
22 January 2019
Australian macadamia communication program (MC18000)
This project shared R&D and marketing outcomes and other knowledge with macadamia growers and other industry stakeholders.
15 July 2022
National avocado industry communications program (AV18003)
This investment ensured the Australian avocado industry remained up-to-date with the latest R&D, marketing, emerging information, trends and issues both in Australia and overseas.
20 October 2022
Almond irrigation best practice management (AL17004)
This investment improved irrigation system performance across the Australian almond industry
31 December 2019
National apple and pear industry communications program (AP18000)
This investment ensured apple and pear growers are kept up to date with the latest industry news, information, R&D and marketing updates
20 October 2022
Mushrooms foodservice farm tours (MU18000)
This investment is about educating the Australian foodservice industry about mushrooms
31 May 2019
Mushroom production waste streams – novel approaches to management and value creation (MU17005)
This project investigated potential value-adding or cost-saving opportunities relating to waste from Australian mushroom businesses.
30 September 2019