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Completed project

Integrated pest and disease management – phase 2 (AP15001)

This investment completed the second phase of research into the use of the Mastrus ridens wasp as a biocontrol agent against codling moth in apples.

11 November 2019

Completed project

An environmental assessment of the Australian turf industry (TU16000)

This project provided an environmental assessment of the Australian turf industry and a turf lifecycle assessment.

4 February 2020

Media Release

Greening our cities – reducing the 'urban heat island' effect

Greening our cities – reducing the 'urban heat island' effectMedia ReleaseHEAT IN our cities impacts the health and wellbeing of residents. As cities and towns grow – greenery is lost and replaced with hard constructed surfaces. These surfaces

2 September 2020

Media Release

Record-breaking year for Australian table grape exports

Record-breaking year for Australian table grape exportsMedia ReleaseTHE AUSTRALIAN table grape industry achieved its highest ever export volume and value in FY20 with 152,200 tonnes valued at AUD $622,947,485. Hort Innovation Head of International

26 August 2020

Media Release

Fall armyworm podcasts launched to help growers

Fall armyworm podcasts launched to help growersMedia ReleaseTHE Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative (PBRI) recently launched three podcasts on the impact and management of fall armyworm as an important resource for growers across Australia. The

30 September 2020

Media Release

Cross your I's and dot your bees for pollination

Cross your I's and dot your bees for pollinationMedia ReleaseCROSS-POLLINATION for macadamias has proved critical for maximising yields in a Hort Innovation pollination research and development project. The project team recently finished up

24 September 2020

Media Release

Horticulture research to boost bushfire recovery

Media ReleaseHORT INNOVATON is announcing the start of a new national project focusing on delivering practical management options to horticultural industries recovering from bushfires. Funded by Hort Innovation in partnership with the New South

18 August 2020

Media Release

Sterile fruit flies contribute to reduction in Queensland fruit fly population

Sterile fruit flies contribute to reduction in Queensland fruit fly populationMedia ReleaseRELEASES OF sterile fruit flies at two Australian locations have significantly reduced Queensland fruit fly numbers. The pilot, which ran from September

7 September 2020

Media Release

Launch of third apple and pear orchard program

Media ReleaseHORT INNOVATON has kicked off the third Apple and Pear industry Productivity, Irrigation, Pests and Soils (PIPS3) program. The program covers apple and pear orchards across the country and focuses on new technology and advanced

10 August 2020

Media Release

Aussie frozen berry producer Stuart McGruddy awarded Hort Innovation Churchill Fellowship

Aussie frozen berry producer Stuart McGruddy awarded Hort Innovation Churchill FellowshipMedia ReleaseHORT INNOVATION is proud to announce Aussie frozen berry producer Stuart McGruddy has been awarded a Hort Innovation Churchill Fellowship. These

6 October 2020