2141-2150 of 4452 results
Farm trial design
Fact sheet on how to design a farm trial including how to choose sites and collect data, with a checklist
22 February 2019
Clubroot management in brassica vegetables
Fact sheet on identifying and managing clubroot in vegetable crops
22 February 2019
Biopesticides in Australia
Fact sheet on biopesticides and how to use them in an integrated pest management approach
22 February 2019
Market insight reports: cultural festivals and events
New Austrade reports available to assist Australian horticulture businesses that export to better understand opportunities and uses for their produce as gifts and offerings during cultural festivals and events.
9 July 2019
Beekeepers guide to CGMMV fact sheet
Fact sheet for beekeepers on minimising cucumber green mottle mosaic virus in honey bee hives
29 March 2019
Farm biosecurity plan template for CGMMV in NT cucurbit farms
Template for making a farm biosecurity plan to prevent spread of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus
29 March 2019
Weed hosts of CGMMV fact sheet
Fact sheet on weed hosts of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus
29 March 2019
Non-hosts of CGMMV fact sheet
Fact sheet on non-hosts of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus
29 March 2019
Symptoms of CGMMV fact sheet
Fact sheet on cucumber green mottle mosaic virus symptoms in pumpkin, cucumber and watermelon
29 March 2019
CGMMV in Australia fact sheet
Guide to identifying and managing cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) in cucurbits
29 March 2019