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Completed project Final Research Report

Australian table grape quality audit 2015-2016 (TG15502)

This project conducted an audit of table grape eating quality in 2015/16 and compared results with the national table grape quality audit undertaken in 2014/15.

20 September 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Market research around the opportunity to create more vegetable snacking options to quantify market size (VG14024)

The opportunity to create more vegetable snacking options was explored in this preliminary market research, which fed into subsequent vegetable snacking work.

3 July 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Australian Citrus Quality Standards Program - stage 2 (CT12004)

This project supported the Australian Citrus Quality Standards program and included large-scale consumer sensory research linking eating quality to the Standards.

23 May 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Market research for investigating opportunities for more vegetable meal occasions (VG14026)

Market research through this project identified opportunities and tactics to increase vegetable consumption that can be employed by vegetable businesses.

31 March 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Potato Tracker - consumer and market research for the fresh potato industry (PT13015)

Consumer data and insights relating to potato purchase, consumption, behaviours and attitudes were collected through this investment, delivered in Potato Tracker reports between 2014 and 2015

2 November 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Market analysis and strategy: broccoli to Japan (VG13048)

This project looked at the potential for Australian broccoli exports to Japan and ultimately contributed to the re-introduction of broccoli to the Japanese market in 2015.

26 October 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Enhancing the export performance of Australian mandarins by improving flavour quality (CT12023)

This research developed a better understanding of the flavour profile and consumer expectations of Australian mandarins in the Chinese market and undertook shipping and shelf life evaluations.

12 June 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Vegetable snacking options market research – stage 2 (VG15060)

This short project undertook market research into vegetable snacking options, looking at distribution channels, smaller vegetable product forms and overcoming issues and challenges related to using locally produced vegetables in processed snack form.

1 June 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Optimum vegetable portion size to meet consumer needs (VG12094)

Consumer attidudes and needs regarding portion-packed vegetables were explored by this research, inspired by the idea that consumers may be purchasing fewer vegetables for fear of wasting them.

25 June 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Enhancing market attitudes towards IPM and sustainable vegetable production practices (VG12084)

Consumer attitudes towards sustainable vegetable production practices including integrated pest management (and possible friendly insect contamination) were investigated in this project.

20 June 2014