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Media Release

New high-tech facility to help meet food demand

Media ReleaseTO DEVELOP the next crop of horticulture growers and meet rising food demand, Hort Innovation and Western Sydney University have combined forces to launch the nation’s first state-of-the-art vegetable glasshouse-production research

1 November 2017

Media Release

Want to eat more veggies? There’s an app for that

Media ReleaseSCIENTISTS HAVE today announced an innovative approach to tackling Australia’s poor vegetable intake, with the launch of a new app that challenges people to eat more veggies. Using a gamified approach, CSIRO’s new VegEze app aims to

13 November 2017

Media Release

New vegetable supply-chain handbook

Media ReleaseA NEW, free handbook outlining the best and most cost-effective ways for handling vegetables during the postharvest period is now available to industry. Commissioned by Hort Innovation, using the vegetable levy and matched funds from

14 July 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Addressing vegetable consumption through foodservice organisations (chefs, TAFEs and other training institutions) (VG16026)

This scoping study was the first step toward helping boost the nation’s vegetable consumption through the food service industry, engaging chefs and hospitality students through TAFEs and other training institutions.

13 April 2018

Media Release

Report warns Australian diets lacking in fruit and vegetables

Media ReleaseAUSTRALIA'S largest ever fruit and vegetable survey has found that four out of five Australian adults are not eating enough fruit and vegetables in order to meet the Australian Dietary Guidelines. Worryingly, the Fruit, Vegetables and

3 April 2017

Completed project Final Research Report

Vegetable digital asset redevelopment – Veggycation (VG16080)

This investment was responsible for ensuring the resource material on the Veggycation platform was current and able to continue communicating the nutritional and health benefits of vegetables to Australians.

8 January 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Educational opportunities around perceptions of, and aversions to, vegetables through digital media (VG16018)

This investment focused on improving attitudes and education of kids aged 8 to 12 towards vegetables. It delivered an online resource called Phenomenom with videos, lesson plans and activities to help teachers and families deliver food literacy and nutrition education.

21 December 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Investigating the costs associated with the production, sale and distribution of vegetables (VG12086)

This project investigated the costs associated with the production, sale and distribution of vegetables with a view to developing an improved strategic approach.

13 July 2015

Media Release

$160K boost for banana industry development

Media ReleaseHORTICULTURE Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation) has invested $160,000 over three years to support the development of future industry leaders in the Australian banana industry though participation in the Nuffield Australia Farming

22 February 2016

Media Release

Aussie horticulture growers look to the future

Media ReleaseOVER the next two weeks, growers from throughout Australia will discuss opportunities to bolster their horticulture output through investment in innovations such as robotics, and further shape their research and development corporation

22 January 2016