21-30 of 77 results
Optimising benefits of vermiculture in commercial-scale vegetable farms (VG15037)
This project investigated commercial scale vermiculture in the Australian vegetable industry to improve productivity
5 February 2020
Vegetable industry leadership and development missions 2019 (VG18002)
This investment provided opportunities for levy payers in the Australian vegetable industry to take part in overseas leadership and development missions
5 March 2020
Annual Vegetable Industry Seminar 2019 (VG18001)
This investment provided funding for vegetable growers across Australia to attend the Annual Vegetable Industry Seminar 2019
4 February 2020
Development of a vegetable education resource – stage 2 (VG15067)
This investment developed a vegetable education resource for teachers use in Australian primary schools.
7 February 2020
National vegetable industry communications program (VG18000)
This investment was responsible for effectively communicating the findings of levy-funded R&D and other relevant industry news, issues and data to vegetable growers and other industry stakeholders.
13 December 2022
Autonomous systems investments (VG15003 and VG15059)
These investments advanced the application of robotics, intelligent sensing systems, precision agriculture automation and more in Australia’s vegetable industry.
28 June 2019
Vegetable market price reporting pilot program (VG16081 and VG16084)
This program delivered accurate and timely wholesale market price reports for 10 key vegetable categories from markets in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide.
28 June 2019
Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2018-19 to 2020-21 (HA18002)
This across-industry investment is responsible for producing Hort Innovation’s annual Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook.
22 May 2019
Educational opportunities around the perceptions and aversions to vegetables through digital media – long-form video (VG16018)
This investment supports the continued activities of the Phenomenom web series and related resources for increasing kids' educaiton around and attitudes towards vegetables
22 January 2019
Understanding the nature, origins, volume and values of vegetable imports (VG12083)
This investment was established to help vegetable growers and industry understand the nature, origin, volume and value of vegetable imports coming into Australia.
28 August 2018