1971-1980 of 3486 results
Department of Agriculture export workshop presentation
Presentation slides about exporting table grapes from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture
21 September 2018
ATGA export workshop presentation
Presentation slides about exporting table grapes, including an overview of last season, updates on the Export Registration System, essential pest monitoring and reporting and labelling of produce
21 September 2018
Macadamia farm biosecurity
Everyday management practices for macadamia growers to protect their property from biosecurity risks
22 March 2019
Bee management tips during flowering fact sheet
Fact sheet for macadamia growers on how to avoid the loss of beneficial insects including honey bees during flowering
22 March 2019
Mistletoes and macadamias fact sheet
Fact sheet for macadamia growers on managing mistletoe
22 March 2019
Don't waste coir from hydroponics summary
Summary of available options for managing spent coir
10 May 2019
Agri-technology investment opportunities in the mushroom industry (MU18002)
This investment explored the current global landscape of agri-technology solution being used in mushroom growing.
31 October 2019
Development and implementation of protocols to enable importation of improved honey bee genetics to Australia (MT18019)
This investment laid the groundwork for the importation of desirable honey bee germplasm into Australia, with a focus on sourcing genetic material from bees with a tolerance to Varroa mite and its associated viruses
15 December 2021
Generation of data for pesticide permit applications in horticulture crops 2019/20 (MT18018)
This multi-industry project generated the data needed to support a range of existing minor use permits across a variety of horticulture crops, to ensure growers have continued access to safe and effective chemicals for the management of pests, weeds and diseases.
10 July 2019
Nursery industry natural disaster risk mitigation and recovery plan (NY18008)
This project assessed the potential for natural disasters and severe weather events to impact on the Australian production nursery industry and developed strategies and resources for better preparedness, speedier recovery and stronger resilience.
28 September 2022