2111-2120 of 3487 results
Australian Turf Industry 2017/18 Snapshot Report
This report provides a summary of turf production and grower sentiment for the Australian turf industry for the 2017/18 financial year
9 April 2019

“Veggycation” relaunch teaches us how to love vegetables
Media ReleaseEATING THE right amount of vegetables each day will not only support your overall health and wellbeing, it can also help improve your vision, speed up your metabolism and keep your mind active. The nutrition, origins, health benefits
8 April 2019
Treatment for mites on lychee fruit prior to irradiation for improved market access (LY16002)
This project explored parraffinic oil and fruit washing as an effective approach to removing mites and micro insect pests prior to export of lychees.
4 April 2019
Development of high health status mother planting for new Australian almond varieties (AL16004)
Under this investment, mother plantings of new, Australian-bred varietal almond trees were planted at two sites in the Riverland to provide additional high-health-status budwood material to nurseries for grafting.
3 April 2019
Innovative solutions for management of tospoviruses of vegetable crops (VG14063)
This investment has produced genetic information on tospoviruses, with the view to developing novel management solutions.
3 April 2019
Australian olive industry benchmarking program (OL16001)
Olive industry benchmarking data was delivered through this investment, to allow growers to assess the performance of their businesses against the wider industry.
29 March 2019

Nursery industry flourishes with record-breaking year
Media ReleaseINCREASED GROWER confidence and consumer demand for greenlife resulted in the sale of around 1.9 billion plants last year, according to the latest Nursery Industry Statistics 2017-18 survey report. Funded by Hort Innovation and
29 March 2019
Strengthened biosecurity for the Australian vegetable industry – stage 2 (VG15020)
This investment supported the role and activities of the Vegetable Industry Biosecurity Advisor at AUSVEG from 2015 to 2018.
29 March 2019
First Detector Network: USA Huanglongbing and citrus canker (CT18003)
This investment funded a field visit to the United States, for Australian representatives to see and learn from current efforts to detect and control exotic pests Huanglongbing and citrus canker.
30 September 2019
Custard Apple Dispatch System 2 – CADS 2 (CU15000)
This project was responsible for continuing the administration and upgrading of the Custard Apple Dispatch System (CADS) between early 2016 and early 2019.
28 March 2019