481-490 of 861 results
SITplus: Developing and optimising production of a male-only, temperature-sensitive-lethal, strain of Qfly, B. tryoni (MT13059)
This investment has successfully demonstrated a method to develop a ‘temperature-sensitive lethal, male-selecting’ strain of Queensland fruit fly (Qfly).
31 January 2019
Selecting and releasing to industry high quality fresh and dried Australian apricots for export and domestic markets (MT12015)
This project saw nine new apricot varieties made available to growers, with the wider SARDI breeding program delivering several more.
28 August 2020
Developing a macadamia industry tree stock standard (MC17001)
This investment developed the Macadamia Nursery Stock Standard to boost macadamia orchard productivity through improvement in nursery stock physiology as well as pest management
25 June 2019
Innovative rootstocks for the Australian Macadamia industry (MC16000)
This investment investigated rootstocks that offer the best prospects for productivity improvements in the Australian Macadamia industry.
31 January 2023
Macadamia crop forecasting 2015-18 (MC15009)
This investment was responsible for producing macadamia crop forecasts between 2015 and 2018.
10 May 2019
Macadamia second generation breeding and conservation (MC14000)
New macadamia varieties were bred and evaluated under this investment, including those with improved pest, disease and disorder tolerance.
31 December 2019
Biology, species and genetic diversity of macadamia lace bugs (MC13008)
This investment identified macadamia lace bugs that are damaging to macadamia production and developed recommendations on how to prevent reinfestation in orchards
24 June 2019
Review of the national biosecurity plan for the cherry industry and development of a biosecurity manual for cherry producers (CY16010)
This investment updated the cherry industry's biosecurity plan and delivered an updated Orchard Biosecurity Manual for growers.
31 May 2021
Export readiness and market access (CY16004)
Cherry export training, registration, audit and strategy activities were supported by this project, along with market access activities including trade missions.
8 November 2019
Custard apple communication and extension program (CU16001)
This program delivered field days, roadshows and various publications and resources for the Australian custard apple industry
24 January 2020