561-570 of 861 results
Australian sweet persimmon industry development project – phase 4 (PR13007)
This project updated the Persimmon Postharvest Manual and Integrated Pest and Disease Manual for Persimmon and conducted a range of research into postharvest quality and storage, new varieties and rootstocks, pests including clearwing moth and more.
29 July 2017
Turf industry communications 2012-2017 (TU12014)
This investment supported the turf industry's communications program from 2012 to 2017.
26 July 2017
Pollination as a controlling factor in almond yield (AL14004)
This project looked at how high levels of pollination can be used to improve almond crop yield without compromising quality.
26 July 2017
Industry development services for the Queensland turf industry (TU13029)
The role and activities of an industry development officer for the Queensland turf industry were supported by this investment, which ran from 2014 to 2017.
18 July 2017
Banana Industry Congress 2017 (BA16700)
This project funded the Australian Banana Industry Congress, held in Sydney from 22 to 24 June 2017.
18 July 2017
Communications program for the passionfruit industry (PF13004)
This investment supported the passionfruit industry's communications program from 2014 to 2017, delivering The Passion Vine magazine and industry website.
11 July 2017
Industry communication through Living Lychee (LY14000)
The Living Lychee journal, industry website and other lychee resources were produced by this project between 2014 and 2017.
5 July 2017
New in-field treatment solutions to control fruit fly (2) (VG13042)
This project produced the Fruit Fly Management for Vegetable Growers guide and investigated new methods for managing and monitoring fruit flies.
3 July 2017
International Onion Research Delegation (VN16001)
This investment brought two international speakers to share knowledge and world best practice with onion growers at the 2016 Hort Connections industry conference.
30 June 2017
VegWHS training resources (VG16031)
Workplace health and training instruction videos for vegetable businesses were produced by this VegPRO sub-project.
30 June 2017