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Fact sheet

Managing carpophilus beetle in almonds

This fact sheet provides growers with monitoring and attract and kill guidelines, in particular the use of a stonefruit lure. 

30 January 2016

Media Release

China recognises first mainland Australia region as fruit fly free

Media ReleaseHort Innovation has welcomed a new export protocol, which will allow the trade of nectarines between Australia and China, saying it marks a number of wins. Hort Innovation Chief Executive John Lloyd said the new protocol, which allows

25 May 2016

Media Release

Tassie strawberry growers unite to stamp out pests

Media ReleaseTHREE YEARS AGO, Tasmanian strawberry growers raised the alarm to their Research and Development Corporation after several tonnes of fruit was damaged by an unknown pest. Hort Innovation Chief Executive John Lloyd said the growth of

18 May 2016

Media Release

$1 million in chemical grants a win for industry

Media ReleaseHort innovation today announced it successfully secured more than $1 million in assistance grants under the Federal Government’s Access to Industry Uses of Agvet Chemicals programme. Horticulture Innovation Australia Chief Executive

10 May 2016

Fact sheet

Managing the risk of redback spiders in broccoli crops

This fact sheet summarises the risk of redback spider contaminating broccoli crops and strategies to reduce their impact.

31 August 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Review of issues and options for preventing and removing redback spiders in broccoli (VG17014)

This investment examined factors that may be contributing to redback spiders entering broccoli crops or contaminating broccoli after harvest.

23 October 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Improved knowledge of factors contributing to carrot rot (VG15066)

The causes of carrot crown rot disorders, were investigated in this project, as well as the field and soil factors that are conducive to its development.

29 November 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Effective management of parsley summer root rot (VG13101)

Information on parsley summer root rot, including is causes and its management, was developed by this project.

8 January 2019

Completed project

New end-point treatment solutions to control fruit fly (2) (VG13044)

This project developed a data package concerning Queensland fruit fly to meet requirements for a new market access protocol for the export of capsicums to New Zealand.

17 December 2018

Fact sheet

Managing insect contaminants in processed leaf vegetables: a best practice guide

This best practice guide summarises ways to control insect contaminants and assess their impact in processed leafy vegetable products.

30 May 2016