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Media Release

Wasps bite back

Media ReleaseA NATIONAL project under the lead of NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) entomologist, Jianhua Mo, aims to manage the devastating citrus gall wasp (CGW) by targeting the pest with its natural enemies, new generation pesticides

14 March 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Investigation into the possible recent incursion of an insecticide-resistant biotype of green peach aphid into Australia (HG13044)

Insecticide-resistance in green peach aphids was investigated in this project, with aphids resistant to both carbamate and synthetic pyrethroids.

6 February 2017

Fact sheet

Citrus viruses in Australia

This fact sheet provides a background on various citrus viruses in Australia and how growers can reduce the risks associated with them.

30 June 2018

Fact sheet

Citrus tristeza virus in Australia

This fact sheet provides a snapshot of Citrus tristea virus and how citrus growers can act to reduce its impact on their crops.

30 June 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Protecting Australian citrus germplasm through improved diagnostic tools project (CT14009)

This project supported the NSW DPI Citrus Pathology Program team, in collaboration with Auscitrus, to assess, develop and validate laboratory diagnostic procedures for a number of endemic graft-transmissible pathogens of citrus.

14 December 2018

Fact sheet

Soil management, organic matter, biological activity and disease suppression

This fact sheet outlines how management of soil in banana crops can impact the suppression of Panama disease.

14 December 2018

Fact sheet

Proximal sensing tools for early, quantifiable stress and disease detection

This fact sheet provides growers with a number of methods to detect disease and stress in their banana crop before visual symptoms appear.

14 December 2018

Fact sheet

Testing the efficacy of urea as a treatment for the destruction of Foc in infected soil

This fact sheet provides banana growers with a summary of an experiment to determine the effectiveness of the use of urea as a treatment for the destruction of Foc in infected soil.

14 December 2018

Completed project

Vegetable data generation investments (ST16006, ST17000 and MT17012) (Vegetable data generation investments)

These investments were responsible for generating pesticide residue and crop safety data to support minor use permit applications and renewals.

10 May 2023

Completed project

Generation of data for pesticide applications in horticulture crops 2018 (ST17000) (ST17000r)

This investment was responsible for generating pesticide residue and crop safety data to support minor use permit applications and renewals.

10 May 2023