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Completed project Final Research Report

Researching the benefits of demonstration green roofs across Australia (GC16002)

This investment explored cultural, community and horticultural barriers to greater green roof construction in Australia so that steps can be taken to overcome them.

23 May 2023

Completed project Final Research Report

Greener cities, healthier lives: measuring the wider societal benefits (GC15005)

This project provided the first systemic evidence on the health benefits of green space on people, from birth to older age.

3 November 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

Integrated management of yellow Sigatoka (BA15003)

This project supported the role and activities of a Yellow Sigatoka liaison officer for the banana industry between 2016 and 2018.

9 January 2019

Media Release

Sunraysia flies blow honeybee pollination trend

Media ReleaseA STUDY commissioned by Hort Innovation and its partners has shown that blow flies in the Sunraysia region are the chief pollinators of avocados, despite bee hives regularly featuring in orchards. Led by Plant & Food Research New

14 September 2016

Media Release

New app will tell growers when plants need watering

Hort Innovation is joining forces with agriculture technology company The Yield to deliver an exciting new tool for growers – a mobile app designed to help guide irrigation decisions.

12 September 2016

Media Release

New Zealand experts to help combat Varroa mite threat

Hort Innovation has combined forces with Plant & Food Research New Zealand to strengthen Australia’s defences against Varroa mite and enhance crop pollination through a $5 million targeted research project.

16 August 2016

Media Release

Eating more veg would bring $100M in health savings

A report commissioned by Hort Innovation has found if Australians ate just 10 per cent more vegetables per day, all levels of government could reap $100 million per year combined in health savings.

4 August 2016

Media Release

Igniting new horticulture generation

Media ReleaseIN THE FACE of an ageing horticultural industry and a fast-moving technological landscape, Horticulture Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation) has launched its biggest industry recruitment and leadership initiative in history. The

1 August 2016

Media Release

World a-buzz with Australia’s latest fruit fly findings

Media ReleaseFOR DECADES, researchers around the world have refined the development of sterile male fruit flies to control wild populations of the pest. While the development of sterile male-only Queensland Fruit Fly (Qfly) for release is new to

21 September 2017

Media Release

Empowering women leaders for a stronger Aussie horticulture industry

Media ReleaseWOMEN THAT are current and emerging leaders in the horticulture industry can now apply for a leadership development scholarship opportunity valued at up to $5,470. Funded by the Hort Frontiers Leadership Fund (a strategic partnership

20 September 2017