951-960 of 1839 results
Improving management of white-fringed weevils in potatoes (PT09027)
This project investigated white-fringed weevil as a major pest of potatoes. It developed a method to determine the density of grubs present in a paddock and furthered understanding of how the weevil detect roots in the soil.
5 February 2019
Review and development of the olive industry biosecurity plan (OL14008)
The Biosecurity Plan for the Olive Industry was updated under this project, to provide a framework to coordinate biosecurity activities for the industry.
5 February 2019
Essential work to facilitate increased exports to China, removing roadblocks and enhancing competitive advantage (OL14003)
With a focus on extra virgin olive oil exports to China, this project delivered the Olive Industry Export Handbook and an industry Export Code of Practice, along with training and more.
5 February 2019
Nursery and garden industry communications 2013-2015 (NY12011)
This investment supported the nursery industry's communications program from 2013 to 2015, producing Nursery Papers, the industry website, and the Your Levy at Work newsletters and blog.
5 February 2019
Mushrooms and health global initiative (MU12015)
This project collected, evaluated and communicated scientific findings on the health and nutrient benefits of mushrooms to health influencers and media between 2013 and 2016.
5 February 2019
Mushroom industry communication plan (MU12014)
This investment supported the mushroom industry's communications program from 2013 to 2016.
5 February 2019
Development of a pilot mushroom farm disease monitoring scheme (MU12007)
Rapid pathogen diagnostic tests were developed by this project, to detect the presence of the disease-causing agents in mushrooms - including for trichoderma, lecanicillium, cobweb and bacterial blotch.
5 February 2019
Mushroom industry knowledge training project (MU12001)
This investment delivered training workshops to mushroom industry staff to grow skills and confidence, and support effective perfomance at farm level.
5 February 2019
Communication and education of mushroom nutrition research to health professionals (MU11002)
This project delivered information on the nutritional and health properties of mushrooms to health professionals, researchers, media writers and mushroom growers.
5 February 2019
Improving consistency of mushroom compost through control of biotic and abiotic parameters (MU10021)
This project provided detail about the key microbes involved in mushroom composting, with a view to improvin consistency in compost quality for crops.
5 February 2019