291-300 of 305 results
Research and education of health professionals relating to the health benefits of almond consumption (AL12001)
This project communicated almond health research and evidence to Australian health professionals through events and resources.
6 January 2017
Spur survival: Difference between cultivars
This fact sheet shows information on spur survival in almond varieties.
1 December 2016
Developing export markets for Australian almonds (AL12016)
This investment supported export market development for Australian almonds in key international markets such as China, Japan and others.
22 September 2016
Evaluation of potential prunus rootstocks for almond production (AL11012)
This project evaluated a range of almond rootstocks under various Australian growing conditions, to find new and improved rootstock varieties for the industry.
18 July 2016
Australian almond industry – liaison and extension project (AL12000)
This extension project delivered the latest information, research and technologies to Australian almond growers through field days, forums, fact sheets and more.
30 May 2016
Development of molecular diagnostic tools to detect endemic and exotic pathogens of Prunus species for Australia (MT12005)
Diagnostic tools for common summerfruit and almond pathogens were developed under this investment.
8 March 2016
An objective basis for temperate nut industries expansion (MT14041)
Information to support industry expansion for a range of temperate nut crops was produced by this investment, for use by the relevant industries.
8 March 2016
A model for industry planning and preparedness for an incursion of Varroa mite (MT12049)
This project tested the preparedness of Australia’s pollination-dependent industries for an incursion of the exotic bee pest Varooa mite (Varroa destructor).
16 November 2015
Managing carob moth in almonds (AL12004)
This project investigated carob moth (Ectomyelois ceratoniae) as a key pest in almond crops. It produced carob moth monitoring guidelines, info on how to mange the pest and more.
13 July 2015
Carob moth in almonds fact sheet
Learn more about carob moth and its management in almonds with this fact sheet.
1 July 2015