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Media Release

Getting the facts on pollination

Media ReleasePOLLINATION SEASON has begun. Hort Innovation is helping growers by determining key pollinators across a range of crops and providing pollination management recommendations to maximise yields. The research and development project –

5 August 2020

Media Release

Living turf provides bushfire protection scientific report finds

Media ReleaseBUSHFIRES IN AUSTRALIA are common. The Black Summer fires of 2019/2020 are fresh in our minds and their devastating effects are still being felt. Hort Innovation recently completed research on the benefits of living turf and the

29 July 2020

Media Release

Strawberry breeding program delights tastebuds

Media ReleaseTHE WINTER strawberry season is in full swing. Do you know exactly what goes into that juicy strawberry you see at the supermarkets? Every strawberry season, researchers from the Australian Strawberry Breeding Program trial, taste and

10 August 2020

Completed project Final Research Report

Independent program coordination for the apple and pear Productivity, Irrigation, Pests and Soils program (PIPS3) (AP19007)

This investment supported the coordination and integration of a number of projects, which together made up the ‘PIPS3’ program for the apple and pear industry.

18 September 2023

Completed project Final Research Report

Developing smarter and sustainable pear orchards to maximise fruit quality, yield and labour efficiency (AP19005)

This investment provided the pear industry with new technology and advanced management systems to maximise fruit quality, yield and labour efficiency under increasing climate variability.

19 September 2023

Completed project Final Research Report

Improved Australian apple and pear orchard soil health and plant nutrition (AP19006)

From 2020 to 2023, this investment worked to optimise soil health, driving productivity through enhanced nutrient availability and uptake and resilience to climate variability.

5 December 2023

Completed project Final Research Report

Advancing sustainable and technology driven apple orchard production systems (AP19003)

This investment improved crop load management in different climates across Australia’s growing regions by providing the knowledge and tools needed by the apple and pear industry to consistently deliver fruit that meets market specifications.

18 September 2023

Completed project Final Research Report

Strengthening cultural and biological management of pests and diseases in apple and pear orchards (AP19002)

This investment provided growers and advisors within the apple and pear industry with high quality information on integrated pest and disease management.

18 September 2023

Media Release

World first global review reveals health benefits of the humble mushroom

Media ReleaseREDUCING INFLAMMATION, improved gut health and a stronger immune system are just some of the benefits that eating mushrooms may provide. Hort Innovation commissioned Nutrition Research Australia to complete a systematic literature

22 July 2020


My Market Kitchen – episode 4

Watch the episode, meet the grower, get the recipe, check out the nutritional facts, and discover research projects relating to apple and pears and other featured produce

21 July 2020