241-250 of 261 results
Identification guide for common cherry rot pathogens
practical guide for growers on how to identifiy common cherry rot pathogens.
5 June 2017
Fact sheet on brown rot
Find identification and management guidelines for brown rot in cherry industry with this fact sheet.
5 June 2017
Optimal management of pre-harvest rot in sweet cherry (CY13001)
This project investigated the identity and management of pre-harvest rot pathogens in sweet cherries and produced identification guides for growers and a risk assessment tool.
5 June 2017
Comparing the performance of new cherry rootstocks soon to be available to industry (CY12010)
Information on cherry dwarfing rootstocks was produced by this research, as well as recommendations on the use of bench grafted trees.
2 June 2017
Correlating fruit fly with cherry production and climate (CY13012)
This project developed models to predict Queensland fruit fly populations post-winter throughout Australia.
6 February 2017
Export development for Australian cherries (CY12007)
Market access and export development for the cherry industry was continued through this project, which updated the industry export manual and other resources.
30 June 2016
Evaluation of the sugar flotation method for testing cherries for Queensland fruit fly (CY14009)
This investment found the the brown sugar flotation test to be an effective method for testing cherries for Queensland fruit fly.
21 June 2016
Maintenance and ongoing development of communications across the Australian cherry industry (CY11026)
This investment supported the cherry industry's communications program from 2012 to 2016.
2 June 2016
Reducing the impact of late season rainfall (CY12000)
This project looked at ways to reduce cherry damage and cracking as a result of late-season rainfall.
3 April 2016
Continued facilitation of the development of the Tasmanian apple, pear, cherry and stone fruit industries (MT12025)
Industry development services for the apple and pear, cherry and stonefruit industries in Tasmania were provided through this investment between 2012 and 2015.
10 February 2016