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Completed project Final Research Report

A model for industry planning and preparedness for an incursion of Varroa mite (MT12049)

This project tested the preparedness of Australia’s pollination-dependent industries for an incursion of the exotic bee pest Varooa mite (Varroa destructor).

16 November 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Establishment of systems to validate pest free place of production for Queensland fruit fly in the Yarra Valley (MT13031)

This two-year project developed a Pest Free Place of Production (PFPP) program in the Yarra Valley for Queensland fruit fly.

13 July 2015

Fact sheet

Fruitlet abscission in sweet cherry

Find a summary of how understanding fruitlet abscission in sweet cherry will be investigated.

25 June 2015

Fact sheet

Cherry shedding under the microscope

Find out about the relationship between carbohydrates and shedding in cherry trees, and possible management techniques.

25 June 2015

Fact sheet

Understanding flowering, fruit set and crop load in cherries

A fact sheet summarising the results of a study into understanding flower, fruit set and crop load in cherries.

25 June 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Optimising cherry fruit set, crop load, fruit nutrition and size - phase 2 (CY12003)

Ways to improve cherry fruit set, crop load, nutrition, size and quality were investigated in this project - including plant bioregulators, girdling, fertigation and more.

25 June 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Making good variety investment decisions: a tree fruit variety evaluation program for Australia (MT10051)

This project involved planting a number of banana crops in four key production regions across Australia to evaluate the characteristics of a number of varieties

7 October 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Evaluation of high-quality Australian-bred sweet cherries for export and domestic markets (CY11016)

This project continued the evaluation of new high-yielding sweet cherry varieties.

4 September 2014


FacTree evaluation report 2012-2013

This 2012-2013 FacTree evaluation report provides growers with performance data on new cultivars to assist them in choosing the right varieties to plant and to help mitigate the risks involved in this process.

30 June 2013

Fact sheet

Cherry soil health, how does this affect fruit quality?

Find how soil health can impact cherry fruit quality with this fact sheet.

1 December 2012